With time and technology, the way of working has certainly evolved, and people today hardly consider working at a single place till their retirement. People switch jobs, change companies, in order to get better prospects and for personal growth. But in today’s scenario even this mindset has also changed, now people don’t want to work a single full-time job, they don’t like working in a 9 to 5 job. People are more interested in transforming their lives from sitting in an office working 9-to-5, to becoming a more independent worker, as entrepreneurs or freelancers.
If you are also looking for ways to transform your life, then you are reading the right content. But remember, working for yourself can be enticing and looks flexible but it requires a lot of hard work. Even to get better projects, you need networking and need to provide great work in order to build your reputation.
People start working as a freelancer as their hobby but soon they find it more interesting than an office job, they start doing it part-time but end up doing it full time with the freedom and flexibility of work.
Freelancer Life
Even I started working as a freelancer as a hobby and to earn some extra money apart from my regular job, but now I work as a full-time freelancer and can’t imagine myself doing anything other than this. I love my work and the freedom and flexibility which I get from it. I no longer imagine myself trapped in an office environment and following the same monotonous routine each day. In the same way, if you are also looking for something to transform your boring life into something interesting, here are some of the best freelancer jobs which you can opt for.

Travel Writer
Travel Writer – you don’t really need any training for this job, your passion and way with words is more than enough. There are several websites which hire freelance travel writers, one such site is HARO (Help A Reporter Out), you can enlist here and they send you stories that journalists are after – if one suits you and your skills, you send in your proposal – who knows you may end up in the New York Times.

English Teacher
English Teacher– It is one of the best professions, which you can easily get if you are willing to work abroad and have a TOEFL or TESOL Certification. You can get your certification before landing jobs, there are some incredible online courses through which you can get your qualified in your own country and then start working as an English teacher.

Visual Designer
Visual Designer – If you have proper tools and clients, you can easily start working as a freelance graphic designer or you can get projects from various sites which offer freelance graphic designing projects like Elance, freelancer.com, etc.
Mediator/Translator – Business is becoming global with each day. It’s normal for organisations to have remote meetings with individuals who are hearing-disabled or speak another dialect. Freelance mediators and interpreters earn a good salary while working with such organisations and their growth rates are at almost 29%.

Virtual Assistant
Virtual Assistant – though it wasn’t popular earlier, but nowadays it’s quite popular since the industry has grown tremendously in the past decade. You will find several websites offering jobs as a virtual assistant, or you can also start your own venture.

Blogger – you can blog about anything you want- it doesn’t need to be a travel blog – many individuals are making a living through their blogs. You will find all sorts of blogs, even ones which you haven’t imagined existing, like hungover owls, etc. Get some insight on how to do it and then select your niche and start writing whatever your love to write about.

Photographer – Do you have a camera or a smartphone? Why don’t you try out freelance photography? I have discovered some stunning sites where you can offer your pictures. My most loved is Society 6 where the procedure is quite simple – you upload your picture, put the price or profit you want to earn, clients peruse it, put in a request.